Tuesday, 2 January 2018

2018: New year, new goals!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year's. I am super excited for the start of this new year, as I see it as an opportunity to start fresh with new ideas and goals in mind. 2016 and 2017 were, honestly, both terrible reading, writing, and blogging years for me, so I'm hoping to change all of that this year.

At this point I don't have any definite plans or goals in mind. I'm just hoping to read and write more regularly. Once I start to do that I may make a sort of schedule or timeline for things, such as posting 2 or 3 times a week on here and reading at least one book and one graphic novel/manga a week. (Ideally this will happen by the end of January, but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself too early, as I've come to realize that doing so often just puts me off of whatever I'm trying to accomplish. :/)

I'm not exactly sure what specific types of things I'll be posting about at this point either, though obviously I'll have some book reviews up every so often, at the very least. I'd also like to try to get back into doing some of the more popular weekly memes, like Top Ten Tuesday, and blogging all the read-a-thons I take part in. I've always really enjoyed writing up posts for the more fun, community-oriented things, so I'm hoping it won't be that hard for me to start writing up posts for them again. There's of course more general bookish and life stuff I could write about too, but I'd like to get back into blogging more fully before I even attempt to add those types of posts to my "line up". ;)

Other than that, I hope you are all looking forward to this new year as much as I am, and have lots of awesome and exciting things planned! Feel free to leave me a comment letting me know said "things" if you do, and I'll talk to you all again soon!

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