Saturday, 18 October 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon! (Hours 1-3)

Intro and TBR

Hello everyone! The day has finally arrived for Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon! I am super excited to be participating for the first time this go around, and I'm hoping to not only read lots but socialize quite a bit as well. We'll see if I'm able to stay up the whole 24 hours too! ;) I'll be updating every hour or so, and I'll be making a new post every three hours. We shall see how smoothly this goes...

Now this is obviously not my first read-a-thon (as I have posted updates for past Bout of Books on this blog), but this is my first 24 hour one, so I'm trying not to set my standards too high, seeing as I am so new to this particular format and not overly sure what to expect overall. I am hoping to read at least 1000 pages over the course of the 24 hours though, which may seem like a lot for some, but I've managed to read over 500 pages in a day during past week-long read-a-thons, and that was when I had school and other stuff going on as well. Today all I really have to do is read, and I have the full 24 hours to take advantage of, if I so choose. The pile of books I'll be choosing to read from can be seen below.

It's a mixture of books I'm currently reading, short books that I've read before and know I love, and a couple light novels I've been meaning to read for a while. Hopefully I'm able to get through three or four of these over the course of the 24 hours. *fingers crossed*

Opening Meme

  1. What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Ontario, Canada
  2. Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Four by Veronica Roth
  3. Which snack are you most looking forward to? Is Hot Chocolate a snack??
  4. Tell us a little something about yourself! I'm 21 years old but only 5'1"
  5. If you participated in the last Read-a-thon, what's one thing you'll do different today? If this is your first Read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? This is my first Dewey's, and I'm most looking forward to making some new friends (hopefully), and just socializing in general. ^_^

Hour 1 (8am)

I started reading right at 8am (which is, of course, the start time for my time zone- EST), but I got distracted fairly quickly...

What I'm currently reading: Sword Art Online 2: Aincrad by Reki Kawahara
Pages read since last update: 23
Pages read overall: 23
Mini challenges completed: 1 (Opening meme)
What I'm currently eating: Toast with peanut butter
What I'm currently drinking: A glass of chocolate milk

Hour 2 (9am)

I'm still very much preoccupied. :/ My blog and updates and such seem to be more interesting and important than reading at the moment...

What I'm currently reading: Sword Art Online 2: Aincrad by Reki Kawahara
Pages read since last update: 0
Pages read overall: 23
Mini challenges completed: 0
What I'm currently eating: (Still) Toast with peanut butter
What I'm currently drinking: Nothing

Hour 3 (10am)

I'm finally caught up with my updates, so hopefully I can get back on track with my reading in the next hour!

What I'm currently reading: Sword Art Online 2: Aincrad by Reki Kawahara
Pages read since last update: 0
Pages read overall: 23
Mini challenges completed: 0
What I'm currently eating: An apple sauce cup (Weird I know... :P)
What I'm currently drinking: Hot chocolate (Mmmm!)

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