Monday, 4 January 2016

Bout of Books 15.0 Day 1 Update

Day 1 of the read-a-thon is nearly over, so it's time for me to do a quick overview of how my day has gone.

Today I worked from 9 till 5, but I was still able to read a decent amount of pages on my breaks, and I read a bit more tonight too (though not as much as I would have liked. :/) I started reading Room by Emma Donoghue early this morning and managed to get to page 158 by the end of the day. That's not nearly as much as I would have liked to have read, but I kept getting distracted tonight. Hopefully I'm able to read more tomorrow.

And as for the rest of the week, I don't have a set TBR planned at this point, but there are quite a few different books and graphic novels/manga I'd like to read super soon, so I'll most likely just pick and choose from them. (And I'll probably post a picture of the "pile" tomorrow on my Instagram. ;))

The challenge for the read-a-thon today was to introduce yourself #insixwords, and you can find my answer on my Twitter account. I'll also be posting frequent reading updates on my Goodreads account throughout the week (Sorry for all the shameless plugging. >>), and a running list of all my stats can be found at the bottom of each of the update posts I write, here on my blog, just for easier reference.

And... I think that's it for today? Tune in for another update around this time tomorrow. Happy read-a-thoning!

Total pages read: 158
Books started: 1
Books finished: 0
Challenges completed: 1

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