This is my second attempt at TTT! Hopefully I'm able to keep up with it for the majority of this year. ^_^
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This week the objective is to list your top ten bookish resolutions for 2016. I've decided to do five book-related ones and five more general/personal ones.
Bookish ones first!
- Make reading a priority. Last year I honestly didn't read that much, and thinking about it now, I realize it wasn't necessarily because I was just constantly in a "reading slump" and wasn't in the mood to read. It had a lot more to do with the fact that I wasn't setting aside time to read everyday, like I used to, and that's something I need to get back into doing again.
- Buy less, borrow more. I discovered my love of borrowing library books again this past year (mostly due to me starting my Libraray Technician course ;)), and I'd love to continue doing it again this year. I honestly just can't afford to buy that many books these days either (and I don't have a ton of space for them anymore...), so taking books out of the library will save me a lot of future guilt too. haha I am a book collector at heart though, so I know I'll buy at least a few books at some point this year. As long as I don't buy too many though, I'll be happy. :)
- Read more classics and adult fiction. I love my YA and Middle Grade books, but I also really enjoy a good classic or adult novel, so I'd really like to read more of them this year. My plan is to try to read one of each every month.
- Get through as many of my unfinished series as possible. I need to double check, but I'm pretty sure I have at least a dozen or so unfinished series on my shelves at the moment, and I'd really like to remedy that (especially since I haven't completed that many series in my life...) And this year is when I'm going to try to do that!
- Continue to read more manga and graphic novels. Last year I also really found out how much I love (and obsess) over manga and graphic novels, so, of course, I'd like to read more of them this year as well, and expand my knowledge and the variety of them that I read.
Bonus: I'd also like to finally get around to re-reading a few of my favourite books and series which I've been putting off doing for a year or two now (namely Harry Potter >>).
Now for the not-so-bookish ones!
- Write every day. Reading is my main passion and hobby, but I've also always loved to write, and, like reading, I don't do it as much as I'd like. So this year I'm going to try to write everyday, whether it be for 10 minutes or 3 hours, journaling, blogging, or working on the novel I've been meaning to write for two years now. I just want to write more and truly find out what sort of writer I am.
- Keep up with my blog and other social media. I've obviously had trouble with this one in the past, so I'd really like to prove to myself that I can, at least, post semi-frequently on my blog and all my social media sites over the course of the year. It's fun and I enjoy doing it most of the time. The Internet is sorta like my social playground, so I'd like to utilize the "social" part of it more. :)
- Live a healthier lifestyle. To some, I'm sure I look perfectly healthy and in shape, but in reality, I'm not. I hardly ever exercise and my meals aren't always as balanced as they should be, so this year I'd like to make a real effort to change that. I'd love to start running and just get out of the house more in general and enjoy the "great outdoors" as much as I can. I should really have a better sleep schedule too...
- Push myself out of my comfort zone more often. I am an introvert and someone who has a lot of social anxiety. I'm actually a very anxious person in general, and I only really noticed just how much it's affecting my life over the past year. I've missed out on a lot of things over the course of my 20+ years because I just wasn't brave enough to start or sign up for them. And I'm reeeeeally tired of it. So I'm hoping to do more things that make me uncomfortable and that I just hate doing this year. I know in the long run I'll feel a lot better about myself and enjoy life a lot more if I do.
- Enjoy life! This one is easy in theory, but harder in practise. I just want to really enjoy my life and not take anything for granted. Not let days just pass by without thinking about them. Really make each day count, so that I can think back on them fondly. Just be as happy and grateful as I can be.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly, original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Thank you! And good luck with yours. :)