Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Bout of Books 15.0 Day 2 Update

I worked all day again today, so I really only had tonight to read, and unfortunately I read even less than yesterday. :/ I know I can do better though, and I have the rest of the week off, so I'm positive I'll be able to make up for these two sub-par reading days! *crosses fingers*

The few pages I managed to read added up to a measly 48, and, like yesterday, they were all from Room. I'll definitely be finishing this book off tomorrow though, and then my plan is to read Nimona, which is a graphic novel by Noelle Stevenson. I'll probably start another book too. I'll have to see what I'm in the mood for though.

Let's move on to today's challenge. I'm excited to do it. :)

Bookish Would You Rather

On Writing My Own Fairytale, there was the Bookish Would You Rather challenge. (This one includes a giveaway for one book worth up to $15.) It required you to answer the five "would you rathers" that Lori provided. Simple! (Or so it seemed. ;P)

#1: Would you rather... lend books to someone who dog-ears pages or to someone who reads with cheesy Cheetos fingers?

This is a tough one for me. I'm not typically someone who likes to lend out my books (especially to people who would possibly "mistreat" them), but since I have to choose... I'd probably go with the dog-earer. I really hate when people dog-ear pages, but it seems less damaging long-term to me than reading while eating and/or with dirty fingers. (Says the girl who's gotten peanut butter on her books before... >>)

#2: Would you rather...
be able to meet one character of your choice or meet one author of your choice?

Hmm... this one's quite tough too. Being able to meet and speak with your favourite character would be super cool, but when I think about meeting Hermione Granger or J.K. Rowling, I'd rather get some one-on-one time with Jo. (Though I have no idea what I'd actually say to her. *flails at the thought*)

#3: Would you rather... never be allowed in a bookstore again or never be allowed in a library again?

This decision really hurts my heart because I love spending time in both of these places! Browsing in a bookstore is one of my favourite (random) things to do, but spending time/studying in a library can be just as nice, and, really, libraries have a fair bit more to offer than bookstores do, in the long run. Not being able to go in bookstores would also save me a lot of money and greatly shorten my physical TBR pile. Plus as someone who spent a lot of her free time at school in the library and the fact that I'm currently studying to be a Library Technician, makes me feel like I'm rather obligated to pick library over bookstore in this case, no matter how difficult it is. (Gosh, I could almost write an essay about this! xD)

#4: Would you rather... have to choose one of your favourite characters to die in their book or have to pick one of your favourite couples to break up in their book?

As much of a romantic and shipper I am, I'd rather have one of my fav couples not be together than have one of my fav characters die. At least then I'd still be able to read about the characters, even if it wouldn't be quite as fun or exciting? (They could always get back together too, right? ;)) It honestly would be awful having to choose, either way. *shudders*

#5: Would you rather... be required to read Twilight once a year for the rest of your life or The Scarlet Letter once a year for the rest of your life?

According to Goodreads, both books have fairly low ratings (averages around 3.5), so I'm assuming this question is asking which "bad" book would you rather be forced to read every year? Well, I've never actually read The Scarlet Letter, so I really can't say for sure, but the fact that I actually do rather like Twilight and have fond memories of reading it in my high school years, I'm going to go with it. (I do have plans to re-read it this year actually, coincidentally.)

And... that's it for today. Happy read-a-thoning everyone!

Total pages read: 206
Books started: 1
Books finished: 0
Challenges completed: 2


  1. Life gets in the way. It happens to the best of us. Have fun reading the rest of the week!
