Monday, 6 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Day 1 Update

Okie dokie. So Day 1 of the read-a-thon isn't quite over yet for me (It's currently just after 10 PM where I live, so I still have around 2 hours left to read as much as I possibly can today), but I figured I would post my update now so that I am able to include the challenges for the day in this post.

Before I get to my stats for the day and said challenges though, I just wanted to explain why my day turned out way better than I was expecting. It just so happens that today was my first day of my new semester of college, so I wasn't sure how much time I was going to have to read. Luckily for me though, we have had a TON of snow fall over the course of the last 24 hours, so the college I go to was closed (as were all the schools around here), and I was able to stay inside all day and read instead. Yay! I therefore have read quite a few more pages than I expected to, and I even plan to read a bit more still!

Anyway, today so far I have managed to read 258 pages. I had started a couple of books quite a few months back: Magyk by Angie Sage and Room by Emma Donoghue. (Total opposites I know. :P) And I actually managed to finish Magyk a couple days ago. I then moved on to the short story between Magyk and Flyte (the second book in the Septimus Heap series), The Darke Toad. I hadn't quite finished that before the read-a-thon started, so I began Bout of Books 9.0 by finishing the last 39 pages of that. I have also managed to read 66 pages of Flyte so far today (I hope to read a bit more of this before bed), and 153 pages of Room. I'm also planning on reading a few pages of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.

I'll start my update tomorrow (and the rest of the week's) by first stating how many more pages and whatnot I was able to read the previous night. I'm also going to keep a running list of all my stats at the bottom of each of the update posts, just for easier reference. (I also have a thing for lists. hehe)

Now for the challenges. Today there were two.

Book Buying Spree

On Bookish Comforts, there was the Book Buying Spree Challenge. This challenge involved going to The Book Depository's website and putting $100 worth or less of books in your cart (without buying them of course). This challenge also includes a giveaway. The winner will be able to pick one of the books in their cart to actually buy that is worth up to $15. I'll include my list of books below.

Wildwood Imperium (Paperback)    $12.56
Cress (Hardback)                             $16.14
Unhinged (Hardback)                      $14.69
Frostbite (Hardback)                        $17.96
Shadow Kiss (Hardback)                  $17.03
Last Sacrifice (Hardback)                 $16.37
Total                                      $94.75

Mad Libs

On Cheap Thrills, there was the Mad Libs Challenge. This challenge was fairly straight forward. You just had to choose words from book titles that match the types of words that they were looking for. My list was the following:

character name- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling
adjective1- The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
adjective2- The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket
item- The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White
occupation- Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink
act of violence: Torment by Lauren Kate
adjective3: A Perfect, Gentle Knight by Kit Pearson
noun1: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
noun2: A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

And my resulting story...

I just read the greatest book!

This guy, Harry Potter, ends up in the middle of an old conspiracy. Turns out his ancestors were pirates, and he might be the key to finding the wide trumpet. It's a mythical artifact that disappeared centuries ago, and now a shadowy group of guardians are looking for it. No one knows what uncovering it might do, but these guys are willing to torment for it.

I won't say anything else. But believe me, if you like gentle stories with hobbits and feasts, you have to read this one.

Baha! It's a little weird, but I suppose it mostly makes sense.

And... that's it for today. Tune in for another update around this time tomorrow.
Happy reading!

Total pages read: 258
Books started: 1
Books finished: 1
Challenges completed: 2

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